Valley Defenders provides public defense attorneys to people who are financially eligible. The court will screen you to determine if you qualify based on your finances.
The court will make a finding about whether you qualify for a public defender.
If you are found indigent, it means you cannot afford an attorney. You will be assigned representation by Valley Defenders at no cost to yourself.
If you are found able to contribute, it means you have too much money to be found indigent but you do not have enough money to hire a private attorney. You will be assigned representation by Valley Defenders but you will be obligated to pay a nominal fee for the representation.
If you are not found indigent, it means that you do not qualify for a public defender. You must hire an attorney on your own.
You can complete the Indigency Screening Form and provide it to the court.
Indigency Screening Form (English)
Formulario de Detección de Indigencia (Español)